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Julie White - BBC Radio 5 Live’s Wake Up To Money

Julie takes early opportunity to speak up for the construction industry

They say the early bird catches the worm but to listeners of one of the prime business radio shows, it was a chance to hear from D-Drill & Sawing Managing Director Julie White.

Julie, who is also the chair of Build UK and the Drilling & Sawing Association, was invited as a guest on the panel of BBC Radio 5 Live’s Wake Up To Money.

The programme, which starts at 5am every weekday morning, features prominent figures from the world of business talking about all of the issues of the day.

Julie was asked to comment on a range of topics from inflation through to today’s A-Level results.

And, as ever, Julie was quick to speak up on apprenticeships when the chance arose as well as the fact that the economy appears to be picking up.

She said: “There was a little bit of uncertainty around at the start of the year but I think that was down to the fact that we knew a General Election was coming. 

“Now, it does appear that there is a little more stability which is what all businesses want, especially in construction.

“It’s really important that we have a real push on apprentices. They were devalued over many years but I think, as a country, we’re now seeing just how important they are.

“They have been vital for the growth of D-Drill, and for individuals it’s a chance to learn a skill, understand how a business really operates and also to be earning.” 

For those who didn’t set their alarm for 5am, the programme is available click here.





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