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Julie White - Drilling and Sawing Association AGM presentation

D-Drill & Sawing managing director Julie White has reflected on her latest year as chair of the Drilling & Sawing Association (DSA)

Julie was presenting to the organisation’s AGM on some of the achievements of the past 12 months but was also looking ahead to the next year and how the industry can showcase itself further.

Julie said “This year has provided yet another opportunity to push forward key initiatives that support both our members and the industry as a whole.

I’m pleased to report that our membership numbers have remained steady, with around 100 active members in the association. As always, we set ambitious goals aimed at delivering tangible benefits to our members—and I’m proud to say we’ve made substantial progress once again.

As we move into 2025, I’d like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for your support and involvement in the association over the past year. Your contributions are vital to our continuous progress towards achieving our mission.”


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