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Forgemasters Steel Foundry, Sheffield

D-Drill called out to Forgemasters steel foundry in Sheffield.

The Sheffield diamond drilling team were called out to Forgemasters steel foundry to manage the tricky task of over drilling pre-existing holes in a quartz aggregate kiln hood.

The hood was a 400mm thick construction made up of quartz aggregate and steel fibre reinforcement.  The existing holes were 580mm and the requirement was to over drill these to 650mm.

Fortunately our team were experienced with the aggregate and makeup of the concrete and therefore able to order the correct segments on the drill bit.

The three holes were successfully drilled and the customer was delighted and has already booked the team for their next job.  Whilst on site there was an unexpected visit from quality, environment and health & safety consultants WA Management who were extremely impressed with the professional operation provided by D-Drill Sheffield.

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